First Tee Northern Nevada is honored to announce
The Tom Gurnee memorial scholarship.
We celebrate Tom’s love for golf by supporting continued education with a scholarship in his name.
This scholarship will be awarded yearly to a student or students who demonstrate a need for:
- Financial assistance
- Academic achievement, shown by grade point average, test scores, etc.
- Community involvement
- Leadership skills
- “Love of Golf”
Our chapters First Tee programs prepare young people to prepare for success in high school, college, and adult life with our Nine Core Values. Education programs build character, instill life-enhancing values, and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. The First Tee offers college scholarship programs, community service projects, and nationwide participant opportunities such as The Pure Insurance First Tee Open, Life Skills, and Leadership Academy.
Our core programs have influenced more than 2,000 youth at eight area golf courses and thousands more in over 25 schools across Washoe, Carson, Lyon, Placer and Douglas counties in 2020. Community outreach activities are in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and other youth organizations.
On behalf of First Tee Northern Nevada, our board, parents, and the more than 22,000 young people we serve nationally each year, we thank you for your investment in our young people. Together we will shape them into the leaders of tomorrow.
If you’d like to donate via check Please send your donation to:
First Tee Northern Nevada
3550 Barron Way Ste. 10B
Reno, NV 89511
Or you can click the button below to donate now:

Chris Dewar Executive Director
First Tee Northern Nevada is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization and as required by Section 170(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Service regarding charitable donations, written substantiations are required of charities receiving cash donations in excess of $250.00 and property donation in excess of $75. Please be advised First Tee Northern Nevada did not provide goods or services in exchange for your donation. First Tee Northern Nevada EIN is #88-0444732.